Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Not of This World

I don't know what it is with Christians? Last week I was driving to pick up my kids from school when I noticed that the car in front of me had the bumper sticker: "Not of this world" - a reference to John 15:19 or 17:16, though that exact saying is not actually in scripture (though the idea is certainly there). That the car was a Lexus RX300, made me chuckle at the irony. Just to be clear, I'm not standing in judgment of those who drive a Lexus (I believe you can be a good person of faith and drive a Lexus). But if you have the gall to make that claim publicly on your Lexus RX300, then it's fair game. I never got the chance, but I wonder if they would've been willing to swap their car for my 13-year old Camry? Since they're not of this world, I'm just assuming they really wouldn't mind. I obviously am.

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