Lent Begins
I'm grateful for the small group of people who observe Lent each year and invite the rest of Epic into this liturgical season by spearheading prayer gatherings, discussions, and a blog. Lent, of course, is the 40 days culminating on Easter marked by fasting and prayer (and often repentance and almsgiving). The 40 days represent the time of temptation endured by Jesus in the desert (Matthew 4:1-2). Dorene and I have observed Lent for many years now, and delighted that our children have joined us. Each Lent, I am conscious of my pathetic groanings and "enormous" (think dramatic sigh here) sacrifice over little inconveniences and luxuries that have too easily become "needs." My kids fair so much better than me, and enter into the season with surprising willingness and gusto, sacrificing far more than I do. Meant not out of self-indulgence, but self-disclosure, here are the Doi family's fastings for Lent '08: - Do: desserts (her annual deprivation)
- J-Boy: furikake, candy, Nintendo DS
- C-Girl: candy, soda, french fries
- Kev: coffee (my annual deprivation), beer, wine (the latter two because as my son pointed out to me recently, "they're drugs!")
While in recovery, blessings from the Lord this Lenten season.
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